Singapore/Hongkong - Day 6

Exploring Hong Kong Island

After a late night last night we were due for a sleep in. It was a sleep in we had, we didn’t get up til midday. We took ourselves down for breakfast at Starbucks and then headed back upstairs to get ready.

By the time we were ready to explore it was already 2’o’clock and we decided to go to Cat Street. Cat Street is actually known as Upper Lascar Row and is where Antiques are sold. Not all the things are antiques some of it is just like a trash and treasure stall. Nevertheless it was very interesting. We spent some time looking around and then bought a couple of things for ourselves and others. Anthony wanted to get some old coins but in the end decided it wasn’t worth the effort to go through them all. Cat Street was a very interesting place to shop.

We then headed back to the hotel to drop off some of our things. We then had the idea to catch the tram, locally known as Ding Ding. Anthony was way too tall for it and smacked his head on the roof then we discovered it went in a loop and was not the one we wanted. Defeated we got off the tram and tried to find where to go. It was then that a local overheard us and told us to follow her to the street that would get us there. It was very nice of her.

We walked down an alley way and found a guy selling stamps. Anthony and I wanted to get one so after looking at the designs Anthony made one. It was fascinating watching the guy make the stamp.

With stamp set in tow we finally made our way towards the Peak Tram. We dodged the demonstration down the main street and headed up the hill. The queue for the Tram was horrible It said it was a 3 hr queue but we probably got through in an hour. It was a bad idea to go to the peak on a public holiday it was packed. The Tram ride was interesting and went up on such an angle I am surprised nobody fell out. The view up the top was amazing too, but it was so busy i could only get my tripod out for a short time. The view of Hong Kong would definitely be worth going up for on a less busy day. We decided after a while to head back down and discovered the line to get down was about an hour too. We were pretty fed up with lining up and it also meant we wasted a lot of time in line.

It was late when we got back and we had a yummy dinner at a local Japanese Restaurant Tomorrow we are going to Lantau Island, which is hopefully less crowded.