Taiwan and Japan - Day 16

The most magical day!

Today it was finally Disneyland. I was pretty excited this morning because i have been hanging to get here. Tokyo Disneyland is one of the best theme parks in the world. I was a bit of a Nazi this morning as I dint want to be late. I told everyone to meet downstairs at 8:45 and we left at 8:45 on the dot. The train ride there was horrible. Peak hours trains meant we were more squashed then i could of believed possible. Our group of 12 separated with a with yell of everyone get off at Ginza we were all swallowed by crowd. A couple of stops later everyone got off and I could breathe again. Finally we mad e it to Ginza and counted 11 people. It took us all of 1 second to realise we had lost the American. The American is also the only one of us without Internet. Luckily for us we found him about 5 min later. Turns out he had been pushed off the train and had to take the next one. All together we jumped onto 2 more trains and made it to Disneyland.

I got my photo with Mickeys passport again and then raced to join the line to get in. We lost Dani, Drew and Lobada on the way due to MasterCard not working, however we texted we would meet them at the castle. We wandered up to the mickey and Walt statue in front of the castle, my favorite place and took some photos. Anthony stopped me and told me he had to tie his shoelace so i rolled my eyes at him and waited. The next second he was down on one knee. He told me that I was the family he chooses to be with forever and would I marry him. I couldn’t believe it and started crying as we opened up a box to show the most beautiful ring. Of course I said yes and then we got hugged by our big group of people. Dani and Drew showed up as well and there were hugs all round. I am still shocked after 12 years but now I can call this beautiful man my fiance or as Anthony has been saying (financee). The ring is seriously beautiful and Steves amazing brother Rob made it. Not only is it beautiul but it has a hidden mickey on it too. If you know where to look :P

So after that emotical rollercoaster so early in the morning I was back to being incahrge of leading exploration of the park. So we headed over to Buzz lightyears astroblast while grabbing a fast pass for Monsters ride and go seek. This is when the second amazing thing happened. It began to snow. It was so beautiful snow falling all around us, I had just gotten engaged and was teary again when it snowed it was so magical. Our whole group sort of just stood there in disbelief as the snow falled around us. We continued on our trip knocking down Buzz lightyear and space mountain in about 30 min. I got a stitch popcorn bucket and we made our way into Fantasy Land. We retraced our steps to grab some lunch and then headed into PhillarMagic one of my favourite shows at Disney. Next it was on to the Teacups where we dragged Dani on with us. We spund the tea cup so fast we were so dizzy and couldnt stop laughing. Drew had video which is worth looking at.

As we were walking around we saw Gaston and Esmerelda come out. Esmeralda is one of my favourite characters so i rushed over to get a picture. She was so nice and I am pretty sure from Australia. I got my picture then looped around to Gaston. Drew was also waiitng and finally it was Drews turn. Him and Gaston got talking and compared muscles. Drew told Gaston that I had gotten engaged today and he congraulated me and then asked if we wanted a group photo with our firedns. Well Gastons face when 12 of us all came toward him was pretty funny. He said “How many of you are there”. Then we happily took a photo. Gaston told me that we should get a photo too and we should recreate the scene from this morning. He was so funny. All still laughing we headed off to explore the park.

The rest of the day went by so fast we rode Star tours which was amazing and Anthony was randomly selected as the bad guy. We rode Mosters Ride and go seek also fun. We did Pirates of the Carribean, River cruise and then ran onto Big Thunder Mountain and did it twice. There was a lot of stopping and looking at the amazing scenery as well. Night had quickly fallen and we were looking for drew when we realised we were stuck because the night parade had started. I loved the electrical parade last time and this time was no expeception it is a truly magnificent parade. After the parade we found Drew. We split up to do some shopping and then mt infront of the Castle to watch the Once upon a time projection show. It was amazing.

We ended the day at park closing. I had gained a fiance and spent a lot of money. It was the best day ever.

We found our way to the Ninja resturant to finish the day. You entered though the small cave and rooms and trap doors until you entered your ninja cave where the dinner table was. The resturant had all ninja themed food and the ninjawaitresses appeared randomly throughout the night. We also had a ninja magician. It was a great night.