Osaka Day 4

Waiting through the Typhoon

So we had a little sleep in today as everything was shut due to Typhoon Trami which is heading stright towards us. We decided we had time to do some exploring in the morning before locking ourselves down for the rest of the day.

We walked (trains were cancelled) down to Shitenjoji Temple. The monks had closed the inner temple when we arrived, although Joe and Chris who got there earlier managed to join Morning Prayer.

The temple grounds are really pretty. It is meant to be the first buddist temple in Japan. They have numerous buildings around the place and a huge river area with sooo many turtles. We did a walk around the grounds which were so quite as everyone is getting ready for the typhoon.

After the temple we still had some time before the Typhoon hit so we decided to grab some lunch and do some more walking. We found our way to Co Co Curry house and ate some amazing curry. The curry at this place never dissapoints.

On the way home we went and visited 2 of the local temples that are around the corner of the hotel. I love the little shrines and temples that are dotted around here.

It was nearly 2 when the rains were meant to start. So we bunkered down in the hotel and had a quite afternoon. As I am writing now I think we are in the middle of the typhoon and luckily it has not been too bad. Tomorrow we move to Kyoto. I can’t wait.