Trip 1 - Day 1 and 2

Paddling with the platypus

It was finally time for us to get out of lockdown. Here in Victoria we were in our second lockdown for nearly 3 months which is crazy to think about. We are now allowed to travel in Victoria again so we wasted no time in getting out and about.

After work we drove about 2 and a half hours to Colac. We decided to stay the night here as our next activity was very very early in the morning. We grabbed some fish and chips and settled into our room. After dinner the sun was setting so we decided to head down to Colac Lake. It was really pretty and such a huge lake. We also saw the biggest bats I have ever seen flying over the lake.

The next morning we were up before the sun to head to a town called Forrest. We would be meeting up with a man named Bruce that would take us out to Lake Elizabeth. Lake Elizabeth is home to a few resident platypus (my favourite animal) and we would go canoeing out on the lake. The walk down to the lake only took 20 minutes but man after so long in lockdown it was harder then it should have been.

We spent an hour out on the lake. We saw a few platypus and lots of other wildlife. It was really beautiful to be out on the lake so early in the morning. Well worth the tour out there.

We then headed to the Redwoods in the otways. It is such a beautiful forest the red gums are huge. There was also no-one else there which made it even more beautiful. We spent a fair while in amongst the trees.

We then headed to Apollo Bay to see the beach. We went for a bit of a walk. Got our feet in and just enjoyed being back in nature again. It was then a 3 hour drive home.