Canberra - Day 1

On the road to Canberra

We decided to use this long weekend as an opportunity to make our way up to Canberra. We are heading up with Drew and Dani and we are fortunate as Drews dad lent us his 4wD.

We left after work and started to make our way to Albury. We decided to break the drive up and stop at Seymour for dinner. We went to this Vietnamese restaurant that had good google reviews and it was delicious. Funnily we all ordered the same thing without knowing.

Back in the car we headed to our next stop which was the big Ned Kelly in Glenrowan. It was pretty dark when we arrived and it actually made it even more cool. The stars were stunning and you could see the whole Milky Way. Glenrowan is where Ned Kelly made his last stand and was captured.

We continued our trip to Albury and we made it by about 10:30pm. We checked into our motel and crashed for the night.