Top End - Day 7

Exploring the Waters and Art

4:40am this morning the alarm went off as we had to get up for the Sunrise Cruise at Yellow Water. It is a 40 minute drive from Jabiru but because it was very very dark we left longer so we could travel at a slower speed. We arrived and boarded the boat just as the sun was rising. It was spectacular. Also there were so many dragon flies that all flew along with the boat. I have never seen anything like it.

The cruise heads out over the Yellow Water Billabong. Which at the moment is super flooded. However that provided a spectacular entrance through the tall gum trees sitting in the water. We cruised for 2 hours and saw lots of birds and wildlife. The wetlands are so beautiful. At the moment the waterlilies are flowering which makes it even more amazing. The 2 hours on the water went so quickly and we even saw crocodiles. When we were done we got free buffet breakfast at the cafe.

We decided to head to Anbangbang Rock (Nourlangie Rock) to look at some of the art walk. It was a short hike to see all of the rock art galleries. The main painting is of the lightening man whose spirit lives in the rock here. There are some great examples of rock art in this location.

We spent the hottest part of the day inside the hotel and then headed back to yellow waters to do the cruise at sunset. It was just as good and we saw a lot more animals this time. After the cruise we had a not so great dinner and then headed back to the hotel. On the drive home we had to stop and wait for a buffalo to cross the road which was crazy.