Singapore/Malaysia - Day 9

Exploring Nature in KL

We took our time getting to breakfast this morning which is on level 22 this morning in the skylouge. It is another buffet breakfast, however it doesn’t have the spread of the Park Royal breakfast. There was enough variety to keep us going and we fueled up for the day.

We decided to complete the hop on hop off bus tour to get to the bird park. It is meant to give you a histroircal tour of the city with commentary onboard the bus. It took ages to get to the bird park but it was an interesting ride we passed through KL Tower, KL Convention Centre, Craft Complex, Arab Quater, Chinatown, Little India, Central Market and we stopped for photo opportunities at the Royal Palace. The royal palace was original built by a Chinese tin miner to house his large family, he had 8 wifes and 24 children. It was later bought by the government and converted into what it is today.

We arrived at the butterfly park first and payed out RM20 for admission. The Butterfy Park is like a hige garden which is very humid. They have over 120 species of butterfly that just fly around your heads. One landed on Anthony straight away which was pretty cool. As we were walking a butterfly landed on Steve’s camera and wouldn’t get off. We walked for a bit with the butterfly on the camera and finally got him on the leaf. I was complaining at this point becuase no butterfly would go on me and finally i got a butterfly on my hand. My butterfly hung around for a while flying away but coming back. I called him Wilbert. With many photos taken and the need for lunch we headed out of the butterfly park.

Next stop was the Bird Park, joining with the bird park was The Hornbill restaurant and cafe. We jumped in here for a bite to eat. The restaurant is part of the bird park so the birds can come and fly into the restaurant. It was a good meal and as it was getting late we headed for the bird park. KL Bird Park is meant to be the biggest walk in avairy in the world. We entered into the first cage which had love birds and parrots. Some very nice German tourists gave us the bird feed they had bought as they had to leave. We fed the parrots and love birds for a while then proceeded into the main avairy. The rest of the park is in a huge avairy we got to see Flamingos , Peacocks, Hornbills, Eagles and many types of other birds. We arrived at the photo booth and were told we could take out own photos with any 2 birds for 10RM. Anthony went first and of course choose the Hawk and the Eagle. I choose the owl for Mum and the hornbill for me. the hornbill was so heave on my arm and it felt weird to pat. Tired and saw we grabbed a cab to Central Market.

Central Market was brilliant it had a huge variety of authenic Malay shops. You could buy a variety of knickknacks there, I bought 2 Malay Masks which i will hang in our new house when it is built. We watched a guy painting Baltik paintings which is the original form of painting in Malaysia. Anthony and I loved the paintings and if we would find a cheap way of getting them home we might have bought one.

Sarma met us after work at the Market and we had an ice Milo. Ice Milo strangely is a very popular drink in both KL and Singapore. We headed into Chinatown to Petaling Street for dinner. Chinatown is very busy as it has a night market. we had a quick look around and settled into the Hawker stalls for dinner.

When we returned to the hotel we headed to the pool to relax. We ordered a cocktails and stretched our on the pool deck with our feet in the water overlooking KL. Very nice.